Ok im wondering if this is a real team and what you guys drift. There is a few kids that say they are apart of it and talk mad crap. I think just posers but i smoked them and say anyone who gets 20k or more a lap on schoo curcit which is 98% of the drifts i know use modded controllers lol. Im just wondering is are these kids on your team and if anyone knows the leader plz lmk to talk and talk to these kids
I know they have a facebook page I haven’t played with them but I dont think they are little kids .
Most likely you spoke to kids trying to talk themselves up and lying about being on that team .
As far as I know they are tandem drifters and mature thats just by following there posts on facebook .
As far as controler modding its laughable and I understand in the points drifting part of the forza community if you are good or have a wheel you are considered a modder or cheater by the haters out there .
My advice let it slip there is alot of posers and trash talkers out there .
Hey UGC Orion, I believe their leader is xdestroyers on Twitch. I can’t member his Gt off the top of my head though. It’s Tandem Kingz you could look him up on youtube and you’ll see him. but if they don’t have a paint job on their car that says “tandem Kingz” then their not apart of the team. and they have to be RWD only. so if they didn’t have the paint or weren’t RWD then it’s not them
but their a bunch of grown men, mainly around KING POSH’S age. I was tandeming with him just the other night. There was definitely no little kids there
Thanks for making me feel old toxic lol.
LOL I’m sorry posh!! but here’s there real team! they just put it up last night. this is the realy RWD Tandem Kingz Drift Team you wanna meet.
Ok they are two little kids gts are exekonic and apex somthing not 100% sure on th exact gts. But yea they are 12 and 14 claining to be on this team and that the slap train is the leader. And i noticed that slap train mods or was in a modded lobby his lap score said 2mil. The kids said hes that good lolbut thanks for the info.
Hahaha i am in Tandem Kingz
Your one of the kids I’m talking about lol
next time I get on and you and destroys are both on then I’ll get you guys in a party together. I know for a fact he’s modding cause you can look at his high scores in drifting and see that their outrageous! I’m 98% sure that Slap Train is not the leader! also if their 12 and 14 their definitely not getting in tandem Kingz, cause I’m pretty sure they have an age limit! and a bunch of older men in their 20’s-30’s are not going to drift with some annoying little kids! lmfao
Hey guys just found out about this post about our team and yes, we don’t have a single little kid on our team. These kids XeX iKonroi and his baby friends don’t even have our proper decals which gives away that they are just fanboys or posers. But to clear some things up here, we are a tandem team. That’s it. Our team leader is CHit0wN L1FE and co- leaders are ReDrUm 0ps and I, All Diligence. Yes destroyers and slap are on our team but they don’t have a say in who joins the team or not. Sorry about all the confusion. If you have any questions though feel free to ask me. We also have 2 channels if you want to message us there to tandem with us. All Diligence - YouTube
Other channel TKZ TK. peace!