Team Surge [SRG]

Closed indefinitely
School is taking too much of my time to run this, but maybe in the future I will bring it back.

UPDATE: Recruitment is now closed. The pending list will still have drift tests, but now only seeking drifters privately!

Team Surge is a friendly and laid back drift team open to people of different skill levels. We are here for fun, but that doesn’t mean we don’t compete.

We are not a super serious drift team. We all have busy lives and drift when we have time.

We love drifter diversity. Drive whatever you want, as ridiculous as it may be, just make sure it’s rear wheel drive.

Please do not ask for promotions, you will be promoted if I feel that you meet the standards. Thank you.

The team members all have certain responsibilities. With each title comes responsibility. I don’t ask for much, but a team works together.
Leader - Runs the entire operation
Co-Leader - Assists with the operation and in charge when the Leader is away
Manager - Helps with recruitment by drift testing recruits and assists with events
Member - Drifts with us and competes in competitions

l Digitized l - Leader - Foxbody Mustang
Vacant - Co-Leader
Vacant - Manager


New Recruits

Pending Recruitment

Check out the events area to view recruitment dates. If I’m on and can drift test you before event dates that will count too.
Here are a few things we look for:
Must drift RWD
A good attitude
Able to be critiqued
Some skill is preferred
Must be active on the forums
If you are interested in any of the Leadership spots, please join the team first and I will see if you are capable of leading

Surge is selectively recruiting. Meaning, we are privately seeking drifters.

TBA - I will do drift tests whenever I’m on. So please add me.

0 Wins - 0 Losses - 0 Total Battles - 0.00 Win/Loss Ratio

Win/Loss - Team Name

Here we showcase our team’s drift machines
l Digitized l’s 4-Rotor RX7

Flickr sets coming soon.

That team name is really creative :stuck_out_tongue: Good luck

Lol I know right?

I’ll end up changing it. I didn’t really think it out. Good thing I haven’t begun on the logos and what not!

Really like the team name, best of luck to you and your team.

Looking for a team been drifting since fm2 just message me if you are looking for members. My gt is FTk Recon

Done and done!

Now recruiting!

I welcome people of all skill levels to try out!

Just here to have a good time!

Nice page Digitized. Looks clean and well laid out.
Best of luck.

Was wondering if i could join, only just started to get into drifting on forza and think that joining a team would really help me. been playing since forza 3 but not on xbox live, on a scale of 1-10 id say im somewhere around 5 and my GT is: The Smiler 579


I really appreciate the honesty! I would love to have you on the team and help you get better as you go. If I’m on before the mass recruit date I’ll drift with ya!

Thanks a lot

Around one month
Drifting was the only reason I got the game I’ve been drifting for one month and I’d say I’m pretty good I’m not fantastic I usually place in like the top 3 I’d say I’m a 7 out of 10
I try and play around once every day
I’d love to join this team I’d think it would help me and everyone else get better as whole and it brings a whole new level to the game.

Hey guys just a heads up. I do have school Mondays and Wednesdays so those days are going to be hard for me to get on. I also take Fridays off work to do homework, so if I get done on time I will be able to get on and play around.

I’ll update this thread as much as time will allow me to do so.

Thanks guys!

Welcome valentineboyz to the team!

I wanna drift with a few different start up teams because i enjoy being on new teams and helping anyway i can. So i wouldnt mind trying out.

gt: theLockableTub
Ive been around and drifting since fm2, with the exception on fm4 because i sold my xbox for a while. Been on quite a few teams throughout fm2 and fm3.
My availability depends on how much school work i have, but i can usually hop for some time everyday.

Let me know anytime you would like to drift and ill hop on!

Drifting for a while, not even sure how long it’s been haha. But i started in forza 4 and now moved on to forza 5
Reason i got this game was cause i knew how much i liked forza 4, and it was only one thing i did in forza 4 except paiting my cars. Drift, and that was the only reason i got forza 5. Cause i wanted to drift
Playing almost everyday, i try to
I can’t say i’m that good to be honest. Forza 4 i had a pretty good hang off it, but i think it’s alot harder and it differs alot in forza 5. Altought i try to drift everyday to improve, and would really like to get help and tips. But mostly i really want to drift with other people that are mature and have fun

Moreshamethnwow play for 4 years 1 year drifting play every day
Skill ok

I’ve been playing Forza since 2010, and I started drifting on Forza 4 one year later. I think I’m a 7 out of 10. And I play everyday when I’m not in school.

Hey guys sorry I forgot about the event yesterday. I was swamped with work and homework. I’ll reschedule on asap.

When will you be on so that i could show you my drifting ?

I’ll be getting on shortly.