Taking it back to 2010

Welcome to the (KOTH) thread
Created by myself in 08 FM2

King of the hill was originally created as a practice session for TGF in FM2 as a way to teach them how to judge corners properly as well as to help them with their nerves while drifting in real battles and tourneys

Must have a at least 5 people to play.
Two (2)drifters are selected randomly and the three (3) remaining are randomly placed on three corners to judge(2+3=5). After run is over and a winner (KOTH) is choosen he will proceed to the top of hill to drift again and loser will now go to third corner to judge, all judges will proceed to move up one corner only one, till first corner judge is now drifting against (KOTH). Previous round winner (KOTH) chooses who leads.

Rules are as follows: FMDA
Rwd only
s class or under
no + camber
no race tires
no redo’s
no practice runs
spin = loss of run
rumble strip is fair game
1 tire drop = loss of corner
2 tire drop or more = loss of battle
Gap (follow car must maintain line and angle as well to win corner)
contact = loss of round if major - loss of corner if minor (no brake checking)

Rules suggested by respected members:
IRI bludhownd: you forgot to add to the rules “no crying like a b**ch”

If more then 5 people are playing then same process will take place and additional people will be placed on additional corners to judge.

Recommended six (6) person or more tracks:

twin motegi east (section) first five corners going the right way, but you must start from other side (drift corners of track reverse not the proper way) 50 roll ends at shack on right hand side when lined up to drift.

suzuka full/east (section) obvious battle section + last two corners

Tsukuba short reverse (section) Obvious battle section first corner inside and outside clipping point.

The Gauntlet silverstone (section) Obvious battle section 2nd corner outside inside clipping point

if you have any others plz post up name of track and section that is best. THANK YOU.

these rules and regs have been placed up for those that dont know how to play and for those that think they do. hope you guys enjoy and have fun as the TGF fam has had with (KOTH) for a years now champ = me NO LIE (GET AT ME) ************************************************************
(KOTH) List of Participants People you can get a hold of for KOTH

TGF killacali
FLD Rasta
SaS kemuri

just stop by Fill out an APP and ill add you to list (any and all welcome)
I will be keeping track of what page yourAPPs are on so others can go view it real fast to see if your availableor not. List will be put in order of sign up so PLZ reframe fromposting any other BS besides APPs thank you.

PLZ fill out APP properly to be put in list of people to get a hold of for (KOTH)

GT -
Age -
Read Full OP -Understand Rules -
Availability -

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