How are drivatar designs in races? Rivals appear to use the driver designs but it seems that drivatar designs may be assigned at random.
I am trying to track down the creator of a very offensive design. I searched shared designs for it and could not find it. It could have already been reported in the last couple of days.
Designs are assigned at random based on designs you have liked or downloaded in the past.
If you know the car it has appeared on, you can buy the same car and search through some of the designs that pop up when buying it.
You can e-mail Turn10 at or message Snowowl on the forum and let them know about the design. If you do not change your difficulty settings, they may have a slightly easier time tracking down the paint job by looking at the drivatar that is using it.
If you happen to see the design in the storefront, be sure to report it yourself as well.
If you cannot locate the item, Turn 10 probably isn’t going to be able to either without a gamertag. If you don’t have the gamertag, it may be the livery was only used on the person’s own car and never shared, so it would be a wild goose chase.
If you see such an item in the Vinyls or Designs, you can use the REPORT OFFENSIVE CONTENT in-game to send a copy to the developers. Send me a PM here on the forums, and I’ll also try to track it down for validation.