Some of the drivatars I end up racing against can get some pretty outlandish lap times when you look at the results screens after the race. This pic I took was the results screen after 15 laps of Alps Festival against Unbeatables in free mode. I guess some would be unbeatable if they ran those times consistently. All the cars were high C low B class cars. If the Shelby Cobra had a clean 1:07 he’d have been on the top of the X class leaderboard. The BMW’s 1:13 would put him in like 6th or 7th place on the P class board if I remember right. Has anyone else run across Superfly drivatars? It might be kind of fun to see who can come up with the most crazy scenario.
When the race ends, the Drivatars do not “continue racing.” So the final results screen shows partial-lap times.
You can easily confirm this by watching the replay. Follow one of the “Superfly Drivatars” and time their laps. You’ll see that they do NOT actually run those super-quick lap times.
- Don Ente
Well that makes sense. It’s not as fun as the illusion though. :D. I just figured Drivatars were equipped with some kind of a catchup mode.
It’s still a little fishy though because the BMW looks like it finished six seconds behind me by the results so it seems like his cut off lap shoulda been ~6 seconds shy of a realistic time.
I haven’t dug into the details, but my assumption is that it picks up the last split-time.
In any case, the Drivatars do not have a catch-up mode (regardless of the common belief).
- Don