Subaru Owners Club

We no longer do the event for Forza 4 Sorry

Hi everyone
I will start with a little info 1st I’m part of a car club a Subaru one if you hadn’t guessed already :wink: And I’ve been playing Forza since Forza 1 Demo on the official xbox magazine which I came 3rd in the competition that I never heard anything from other than getting my name in the magazine :smiley: And was one of the very 1st Xbox Live beta testers, but anyway I will get to the point :slight_smile:
A few of us had started a league up thats started as just a bit of fun but got better. It’s every Sunday from 9.00pm (Yes does mean you would need to record TopGear ) Last’s about an hour
3 to 4 tracks with points a leaderboard the usual stuff really . It’s all done in Subaru only cars and we’re just coming to the end in the next week of the last few races of the 1st season, and would like to find some more members to join us in season 2. you’re welcome to join in now before the end of this season but with not many points left I’d say a top 3 finish wouldn’t be possible. But would be good to get to know people. You would need to sign up on the forums so people know who’s who on the leaderboards. We even have our very own amazing Forza painter :smiley:

Thats just two of the car’s he’s done.

We’re not looking for full on hardcore players but welcome to join, it doesn’t matter if you’re not great either it is more for the fun. We’re all friendly bunch and as long as you have a good sense of humor should fit in on the forum and in game, as we’re mostly mature (Mind you I still laugh at people farting sniggers) . As I said before it is an owners Club forum So ideally to get the best out of it owning a subaru in real life would be best. Any type of Subaru Model. Forester, Legacy, Impreza, XV. List goers on.
So if I’ve managed to interest you please feel free to PM me here or reply. I’m sure you can see the website’s address on the pictures so more than welcome to sign up and introduce yourselves there too.
We do intend to jump it over to FM5 once more of us have the Xbox One. Only two of us have them at the minute. And we have a Top Gear test track with score board that is ran in a completely standard 22b. :smiley:

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this
all the best

We’ve just started discussions on what we would like to change for the 2nd season. So if anymore are interested be happy to have some more ideas thrown in. at current all we was doing was any Subaru tuned how ever you wanted it up to A600 class.

Anyone else before we start the 2nd season. :slight_smile:

I do a league atm and got 8 people so far. I was wandering if you could advertise my league on ur website and ur league on mine and that way we may both get more racers. Here is the link to it.

Hi mate I will ask on the forum for you mate. I know a few of the guys are pretty good at racing. I think they do other leagues but not sure, and the others are not hardcore racers so not sure if you will get any comeback from it but happy to help and ask for you.

Can u send me the web address for your league and I will advertise on my website

It’s here but don’t have too mate it’s fine :slight_smile:

Hilli on the forums might be up for it he races with us and in another league. Just be warned he is good at it :slight_smile:

Can i join the team ? And get more info as well.

id like to join aswell
my gamertag is driftXpertFC3S

PM me on xbox

Hi guys sure it’s not a problem all the info can be found on the forum here Games/Console/Computer Nerd Room - Subaru Owners Club UK | Subaru Forum for all Subaru Models
We’re doing the last 4 races of the season tonight at 2100hrs seems to have changed from the 2000 starts we was doing. If you want to do drifting I suck at it though badly but Ash enjoys it so he mght be willing to sort something out. Last weeks video
S.O.C Highlights of the week's racing Forza 4 - YouTube

Only had 4 on last week I think with the warmer weather 2 of the guys went to the Pub and another one went to a BBQ and didn’t get back until late. And Hilli was away on holiday. But might give you an idea what it’s like :slight_smile:

hi liked your post, and im looking to jion a club if your recruiting my tag name is bengeo13

Hi mate thanks sorry about the late reply. You’re more than welcome to join mate I would say be better messaging me in game I only pop on here now and again :smiley:

We no longer do the event for Forza 4 Sorry
We have decided to look at moving it over to Forza 5