Storefront hack ??

Someone has removed one of my tunes from my storefront, the kicker is the tune has been up for a month with no purchases.
Can something be done about this to prevent it from happening again??

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That is how the storefront works - if you have an item up and it is not purchased in 30 days it is automatically deleted. You can re upload it if you want though. It is just to keep the storefront from getting overcrowded.

No, that is the wrong information because there is no time limit on the items. NO items on the Storefront are “automatically removed.” Ever.

The only person - other than Turn 10 - who can remove items from the SF is the gamertag from which the item was uploaded, while being logged onto Xbox Live in the account, and in the profile from the console where the game save is located.

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I did think of the time limit idea but didn’t seem likely to me and also am aware about me being the only one to remove item but I live alone so no one but me has been on my console and I did not remove the item myself. I am more than willing to post an open source tune if asked, I have done it b4, but for someone to simply remove the tune is uncalled for in my opinion.

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The Tune, unless a violation of the Xbox Live Code of Conduct, would not have been removed by Turn 10 and you would have know about it because you would have received an in-game ban message. You have the Tune in your local saves, so just upload it to the Storefront now.

Snowowl please check me on this if I’m wrong, but the automatic removal of SF uploads only applies to Photos.

That is incorrect for the FM4 Storefront. I think there is confusion abounding. The 30-day “removal” applies only to Gifted items, which, if unclaimed go back to the sender after 30 days.

Perhaps someone is trying to equate the website time limits on videos and large photos that once existed. Not really sure what those might be since the forums and website was redone a while back.

There is no 30-day limit in-game on our Storefront postings in any category.

I have had items in my SF removed as well if there was no action (views/sales) after a month or so…Interesting!!!

Okay. You can check my Storefront in FM4 if you wish. I have Vinyls going back to September 26, 2011, Designs to February 7, 2012, and Photos to October 7, 2011. If there were an automatic system to remove items, I’m pretty sure I would have noticed it a few years ago. :slight_smile:

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Must say I had the same perception on the time limit, though mine never disappeared to date. Always thought I was just lucky. Glad to hear from Snow and Big Worm that the so called time limit is just a rumour.

There is no time limit. You removed it by yourself.

Listen to Snow.

I would remember if I had removed items myself …Im not that forgetful yet! This happens to more people than you think, just because it hassnt happen to you doesn`t mean its not happening…

There is no algorithm in the server system to do such a thing. Period.

Definitely interesting. Thanks for the response, Snowowl. I can’t get over the feeling that there at least used to be time limits on how long certain SF items would remain when there was no activity on them.

Just to be perfectly clear - I DID NOT REMOVE THE TUNE - but it is gone from my sf. yes I do have it saved and can put it back up if I so choose.

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I’ve had several photos as well as replays get removed from my storefront after not receiving any views for about a month. I don’t believe I’ve ever had any of my tunes, designs, or decals affected by this though.

And NO, I did not remove them myself.

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