Stop the game from asking if I want to install Portuguese language?

Is there a way to stop the game from asking if I want to install Portuguese language each time I start it ?


I have the same problem but from 10th of November, when I have installed FH4 on Xbox Series X… Everything even on website is set to “Czech”, game is in Czech language, but still everytime I want to play it I am asked if I want to install Portugese? What the hell why I would do that ? :-/

It’s probably(read: it is) a bug. Submit a ticket about it so the team can take note of it and hopefully patch it next update.

I have the same problem, its almost a week now. I will look to submit a ticket.

I had the same problem. I let the thing install, thinking I can always change the language back to English. Nothing happened. I did get rid of the annoying question though.

But it’s probably a bug of some sort, so you may want to be careful about installing it. Maybe I was just lucky.

Like Xqwisit I also installed the files. (Right away the first time when the question came). And I believe it is just an installation of the files needed for this language, so NO CHANGE in your settings.