Stop being ignorant and just stay sideways :)

Guys please stop being ignorant about what type of drivetrain people use it’s just drifting guys I’m gonna be streaming later today and I’m gonna show y’all that as long as you know how to drift it doesn’t matter the drivetrain y’all use we gonna get some good freaking drifting videos.

*BTW I drift AWD and FWD and still learning RWD if y’all wanna drift and just have fun just send me a message and please let’s just stop discriminating people about their way of drifting


Where is this coming from?
I haven’t really seen a lot of drivetrain debates on here in a while. I think the reason why so many people like myself are RWD supporters is because we want to try to simulate as close to the real deal as possible. But do whatever makes you happy. KDF right?

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I agree with Pounder… KDF and all that good nonsense. He’s right though, there’s a reason why they don’t have competitions like FD, D1 etc. including FWD and AWD cars. I’m not gonna sit here and give you all the BS about power sliding because I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it all. My only point to make is, if you to continually turn into the drift while being mid-drift, then it’s not really drifting is it? It’s more of that ‘P’ word I mentioned earlier lol. But as for the forums, Haven’t seen an drivetrain arguments on here to my knowledge… Could be wrong though.

JSI Nando you have never seen someone drift AWD correctly have you and by the way the game wont let you continually turn into the corner mid-drift unless you have simulation steering on.

We In the DL like to simulate the real life drifting in both car setup and rules its the way it has been from the start and will never change .
Until the real life drifting leagues start using FWD and AWD also drifting with points counters in cars ( both will never happen ) there will not be any acceptance of those things here .
The DL is not Ignorant its just the real solid facts around here .

The reason many of us drift is to tandem. RWD is the favoured platform to Tandem in real drifting and it’s the same over here. Fact is, you can drift your FWD and AWD while calling us ignorant all you want, but I’m the one with a big smile on my face in a nice tandem while you’re in the lobby wondering why you can’t pick your car.

Most of us here drift because we wanted to drift in the first place, we wern’t racing, saw points and now think we’re ken block. We bought Forza back in the day with the mentality of, I wonder if the physics are good for drifting, let’s get my friend to buy the game to, we’ll tandem. We got that inspiration from real life drifting, or other games. We aleady knew, Engine up front, RWD. That’s just the way it is.

Have fun doing what ever you do, but don’t have the nerve to call us ignorant for sticking to the roots and trying to keep it that way.

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Very much so. Nails have been hit today. On the head.

Unneeded trolling thread, DLs in a good place no need for threads asking for acceptance when almost everyone already accepts you can drift how you want.