Sticky walls?

I just got to ask, why? Why would you do that to the sticky walls on every track? This is dumb, your going 200 miles per hour and you get in the wall for 3 seconds, suddenly your down to 30 miles an hour, this is supposed to be a simulator, wall riding was only a thing in Fiji, and guess what? Fiji wasn’t added in forza motorsport 6, if this is supposed to be a simulator, stop this b.s.

Wall riding was also a thing on Indy oval and on Alps, for example. So I’m glad T10 put the sticky walls!


It shouldn’t be on every track though, because you’ll get smacked by someone and then get stuck on the wall, boom your race is over, it’s too easy for trolls, tag is another problem, you true to take a turn and you scrap the wall for 3 seconds and your suddenly going 25, it’s b.s. and everyone knows it

And neither does Turn10



Yeah, Indy oval was BAD for wall riding. The tight left hander on Mount Panorama was bad for wall riding too.

I mean, if you want a sim and you’re complaining about the wall slowing you down I think you are forgetting about that part where the wall should be damaging your car, messing up the wheel alignment, etc.


Then it should be called a simulator by anyone, nor should it be categorized as one, and the reason they don’t force damage is because all the trolls would get on the game so fast I’d make your head spin, but wall riding doesn’t happen in every track, but yet the act like it does

I don’t find them annoying at all. There’s a couple of places where the stickiness is a bit too agressive, but even then I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been genuinely inconvenienced by it. On balance it’s one of the best things T10 did in F6, because wall-riding was a horrible, game-ruining exploit on several tracks in F5.



ROFL at talking about the game being a simulator and being upset that sticky walls ruin tag.


But yet it’s called one by everyone, sticky walls is the worst think they could do to the game, I can see it for part of the track that are known as problem parts, but just putting it in every track is ridiculous

Haha, this game is nowhere near a sim.

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And yet it’s called that by everyone

I don’t know who this person is that you call “everyone”, but they are wrong. It is not a sim for many reasons. You never get a puncture no matter how much damage you have and you can not tune each corner of the cars suspension. I could go on and on about what else is missing but you can read that all over the forum.

It is a very good simcade car collecting game. It is not dedicated to racing or anything for that matter but it is fun. The handling and driving experience is excellent.

You need tire barriers and sticky walls when you don’t want to police your own game. Turn 10 has attempted to curb the cheating and at the same time has take more of the realism from the experience. When so many games on the market encourage outlaw tactics and rebel attitudes, you can’t expect an unmonitored driving game not to be the wild wild west. So we have Forza 6, the sticky wall simcade car collector game. It could use huge improvements but I love it. All driving games and simulators have problems. Forza drives the best for me.

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