I have read that the latest Xbox One patch makes some changes also to the thumsticks sensitivity:
today was the first day in which I played after the patch and steering now feels horrible!
I drive setting the deadzones to 0-100 both for the triggers and the thumbstick and now it feels like there are huge holes in the steering…during a turn there is a moment when I feel that steering is not responding as it used to. For example I’m pushing the thumbstick fully to the right but then it comes this moment when it seems like I’m not connected to the wheels anymore, moreover the steering wheel moves a little bit to the left and driving from the cockpit I can see it clearly. It is like I’m letting off the thumbstick for half a second…but actually I’m not!
Just downloaded the patch a few hours ago, and haven’t tried FM just yet. I’ll go do it now and see what happens.
Just went straight to the same car I was messing with last night, and it’s definitely less “twitchy”, and there is a feeling that the deadzone is just a hair bigger on the inside. I’m not feeling any huge change though. The car is just smoother around Spa than it was last night. Slightly faster has a result.
I run minimum deadzones inside and out, so I’m not sure what to tell you. Maybe try resetting the controls to default, and then set them to your liking again?
I noticed the problem too. My wheel did not feel right initially. A half hour later it was unusable. The view kept changing from dash to hood view. The steering degraded to the point where I kept hitting walls. More than normal I mean. The game also paused constantly for no reason. I had to quit playing. Hopefully they will fix the problem. If not, I may have to quit playing. The game really in unplayable.
Have you tried rebooting the xbox? Not sure how you could force the controllers to redo the update, if yours was borked. Maybe reset the xbox to factory settings, then it would repatch?
I have not had the time to do a restart yet (broken water pipe problems). Hopefully it will work after a restart. It sounds like it is not a widespread Problem to the extent I had. Maybe the problems are a one time fluke.
In the last couple of hours I haven’t actually replicated the issue myself, and hopefully I never will. If it happens to me I’ll probably just wait for a hotfix, rather than messing with resets. Thankfully, with multiple different consoles, and a PC, I have no shortage of other things I can do instead. Makes a wait much easier.
Good luck to those having problems though. I know the frustration of bugs when all you want to do is play.
mine was a little screwy today too after the patch. reset my stuff inside game to game default and seemed to work better after getting my settings redone.
I was having major controller issues last nite & called Microsoft support they had me eject the disc, disconnect the power cord from the back of xbox, than hold the power button down for 15 sec. After that reconnect the power cord & power back on- this fixed all issues I was having & no steering issues during playing. This action clears the xbox cache. Best of luck to all.
what??? pull the power cord 1st cutting off all power to thee unit then hold the power button for 15 seconds? that suport person needs some caffine. you power down before pulling the cord…always with electronics. just pulling the cord could cause a power spike when both the positive and negative terminals, the little metal prongs are partially still in the socket and power while being exposed. they could arc. pulling the cord then holding the power button is kind of like kicking in your door then useing the keys to unlock it. at that point its already off or open.
at least they did have you take the disk out 1st in case you fried the console. you wouldn’t lose your disk too.
Today I will try again…I have also saved a replay on Silverstone, maybe I will make a video and post it here to show the issue more clearly. Anyway it’s not something that happens in each turn.
I will also try to go back to default controller settings and re-set them to see if the situation changes…
Happened to me as well… I was like what in the world my car is possessed. I thought my controller was messed up but this turns out to be the problem I guess?
I guess we just have to deal with it untill the next patch for Forza…in the end the controls were set with the controller as it was before the Xbox One update…
I seriously do not notice any difference. However, if you are certain that your experience has changed, try resetting the controller settings to the defaults; then, adjust as needed. This is about the best option available since the likelihood of Microsoft reverting the controller tweaks before the release of Titanfall is extremely unlikely.