I’ve been experiencing steering problems in the last few days, namely I can’t get any of my cars to turn.
Deadzones set to 0/100…Check.
Changed steering assists…Check.
Updated both controllers, again…Check.
Tried non-upgraded cars and multiple tracks…Check.
Now, when I go off track as a result of no steering capability, then I can finally turn the car, and the animation reflects it as well, or at insanely slow speeds I have more responsive steering, but at speed or when going into corners, nothing.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions to solve the problem?
That sounds like physics at work. The more you slow down for a corner, the more steering capability you are going to have. Slow down too much and you will likely over steer your car into the apex. Don’t slow down enough and you’ll overshoot the turn completely (as you’ve noticed). Honestly, if your settings are all in check and there is nothing internally wrong with your controller, I am inclined to say you are not taking the turns properly. Keep practicing and you should be able to identify where you need to make corrections.
Right, yet that’s the rub: I am driving the same as I did last week, but the steering is just not there. Where I’d be able to dive into a corner after late braking and be able to hold the line, now I damned near have to come to a complete stop to take even a wide and sweeping turn, but if I so much as go off the tarmac and onto some grass, gravel, or any other surface other than the track itself, my steering comes back.
I’ve also made sure the tires aren’t drag slicks just so that I have the maximum amount of mechanical grip as possible, but even then I still slip and slide all over the place, but again, I wasn’t having this problem last week.
Hard reset your console by holding the power button (on the box, not the controller) until it shuts down completely. Restart it by pressing the console power button. Please, let me know if that solved it for you.
Its the controller update (your turn-in at lower speed isn’t as sharp…right) I went though the same thing…had to adjust my steering dead zone till I got it back to where it felt comfortable to me again. Some people will say not but there are some people that it affected and Im one of them.
I also have problems with the car not turning as much as it used to at high speeds but not to the point where it doesn’t steer. If I push down on the D-pad to look at the telemetry - at slow speed the steering wheel goes full left and full right but at 100mph it only goes about 5 degrees left and right and doesn’t go any further until I slow down. I’ve also tried all of the dead zone adjustments, changing the type of steering from simulation to normal and back again (I always drive in simulation mode). I’ve tried doing a hard reboot of the console and I’ve tried doing a reset of the control settings. I’ve even tried retuning some of my cars (toe, camber, caster, and tire pressure) but they just end up being un-driveable… and yes, I know what I’m doing. =P Last week I had some cars that were really nice to drive, this week they are all junk.
I’ve also been having other problems since the update.
Lots of audio echo in the headset. This is sometimes cured by doing a console reboot.
During an on-line event (usually at the beginning of the race) I get booted back to the main console screen. This happens so often I’m pretty much going to give up on on-line racing.
The controller (I have two and they both do it) disconnects in the middle of a race and I drive into a wall.
Getting one wheel off the course (any course in any car) will cause an immediate spin.
OK, so after doing a hard reset, resetting the controller deadzones back to default, and taking out the E21, a modified C63, and an unmodified BMW 2002, here’s what I noticed:
On the Top Gear track, in order to take a corner, like Chicago or Hammerhead, I need to be below 40 mph (25 was the best) to get any sort of turn out of the car and to see the wheel move in-game. For the Follow Through and Tires, I had to be around 50 mph (40-45 mph being ideal for tire hook-up) to get the same results.
On the E21, I had to have very low revs in 2nd to make sure I had grip.
However, on the same track a week ago, I could take the E21 through the Follow Through and Tires between 5th and 6th gear, flat out, with no grip problem.
Further, I tried this with assisted steering, normal steering, and simulated steering, on all three cars, with the same results as above.
Sure I’m a bit frustrated, but really, I just want to know what’s going on. I’m not the best driver in the game, far from it, but I could at least take sharp and semi-sweeping corners faster than 25-45 mph!
U already been told…ITS THE CONTROLLER UPDATE. I put my steering dead zone to 82 and it help get my steering response and turn-in almost back to where it was before I updated my controller.
The first of the controller updates ( there was 2) was to adjust the sensitivity for the Titan Fall game but it also affected some peoples turning ability (me and others) in Forza5. Last update was for headset and wireless connection.
Both of the controller updates here for the headset adapter and connection issues. The “analog update” came with the Feb system update and you didn’t need to update the controller for that.
That would make sense, except for one thing: both of my controllers were updated before the problem occurred.
I don’t doubt that the two updates mentioned could have caused a problem for some gamers, but I am a little skeptical on the updates causing a problem a few weeks after being installed the first time.