Star Wars ... a few more sneak peeks

a little peek at how i start and close to finished image:
some Fett:

Christian Waggoner is an artist I have been a fan of for a while now. I have not been able to afford what i want from him so I grabbed my Prismacolor markers and have drawn a few of his pieces myself just because I wanted one and couldnt get what I wanted

so this is my idea… pick an image for the hood and then pick a car that fits that character. Then on the side of the car paint something that goes along with the image and reflection. so a scene from the movie or whatever floats your boat. but I would like each car to have the main image on the hood. how you make it work is on you…

Each artist will pick one of the images. ( would rather we each did a different image but you gotta paint it and stare at it as well as put your name on it so if we do get multiple people picking the same image…so be it i guess ) but ill ask to pick one that has not been picked.

each image has a letter assigned to it. first come first serve. so the first person to pick and post the letter would be the one painting that image. it would be nice if we each picked a letter and posted it in the thread but then if you could go back and edit the post with the image. just so we have an easy visual idea of who is doing what
again … would rather we each did a different image.
so for example:

MiMiC920: (F)

you can find the individual images at

I didnt label the F sand trooper as its the image I want to do and since its my idea I got dibs!! :slight_smile:

maybe we can go and share the images after all is said and done and let people grab them and see what they can come up with on their own with our supplied images? food for thought.

I’m thinking of March 1st as the deadline
gives everyone plenty of time to play around and come up with some really really nice cars. I know the talent is here…so I cant wait to see what we all can come up with.
now…there may be some people here who are unsure if they have the talent to do these justice etc… I do not want you to not participate or get involved. so by all means feel free to take Star Wars and do something that ties in.


so there ya have it…claim an image as your own and start brainstorming…grab your image and start the layers flowing!! I will ask one more time if an image has been picked please pick a different one! but at the end of the day… 2 of the same image cant be so bad since I’m guessing the final cars will look nothing alike.

I am gonna try and come up with a simple and easy to reproduce logo for the “Community Project” but if anyone feels they wanna help out and throw together some ideas feel free and post em up, never know we may just use it. just remember it has to be simple to reproduce or at least look similar
Iwill also ask for WIP pics to be sent to me and then Ican update progress as it comes along and keep things a little organized. so maybe once a week I can post up whats happening etc.


Count me in, if its gets going :slight_smile:

Sounds interesting. I’ve never done anything with others, how does it exactly work? I would suppose the vinyl is shared and the paint is assembled as an entire project by the final person.

not sure that will work as the vinyl would be locked, I’m guessing it would be car per person along the lines of Halloween bash

in like Flynn

yup sounds great so far im in

I look forward to taking pics of the final result :wink:

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Im in.

count me in you shall :wink:

Sounds interesting… I’d be happy to contribute :slight_smile:

Ok Count me in too, why not!

Wow a lot of all-stars so far, looking forward to what this brings!!

T10 seem to want to encourage and get involved in these community projects, im not sure of how likely it is but you could speak to LV or Fred and see if T10 would be willing to use their gifting abilities to distribute the finished car locked to the participants. (if not the finished paint maybe a special edition of something you’ve done Mimic, like a red version of your fredit design fro example)

It could even be the first FM5 unicorn, while T10 have done away with car model unicorns theres nothing to stop them bringing back community painted cars as rare only gifted by T10 unicorns for comp wins etc.

Well I best get back to the FM4 section before Im chased out of here, good luck.

Wow…great response… thank you

I will geteveryhting organized and post up details info here when I get to work. Couple hours from now

Look forward to it… and windswept could be onto something there, very good idea I think

Love your work mimic

cant wait to see some SW stuff

I’m in.

I’ve got an idea I’d love to try, count me in

MiMiC920 (F)

This is going to be epic!!