Spectator Mode?

Hi guys. Just wondering if the game has any sort of spectator mode that allows you to watch other people drive, whether it’s for the campaign or for VS or party mode?

I would suggest that there will be plenty of people streaming on Mixer given that there are in game incentives to do so.

Yes there is- it’s called drone mode, to access it you will need to purchase your first house, which you get for free after completing the Autumm season prologue. You open drone mode by going to the pause menu and it should be on lefthand side at the bottom of your screen.

You can use this in both campaign and multipleplayer
But not in races.

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Wow that is great news. Thank you so much for your answer DSR 1 2. Do you happen to know if Drone mode offers different camera views, like for example can we jump into the cockpit view of another driver?

I guess no, Drone mode means you see the world from a flying drone perspective. Just like in Horizon 3.