Sounds of Forza - post your videos here!

We all know that T10 puts much effort into engine sounds and sounds in general. Since sounds are important in racing games I think it deserves it’s own thread! With the new forum I thought it was wise to put everything in one place.

I want to see what videos the community can come up with. I’ve seen many great videos in the past. Now I’m eager to see some FM5 videos since sounds usually get better each forza title, but feel free to post videos from any forza game!

I’ve been working on a series myself where I compare engine sounds from FM2, FM3 and FM4. I’ll post my 3 videos to start this thread off.

Rotary Evolution of Forza Motorsport - sound test

Forza Motorsport - Top 10 VTEC sounds

Supra Evolution of Forza Motorsport - sound test