(sorry might not be the place to add this, but can't find post any where) WARNING PLAYER SPOILER!

This might not be the place to add this but can’t find any related subjects/posts on this matter,

Theres a player that me & friends keep finding day in & day out just spoiling everyones game, he’s name/gamertag is “RegencyCoyote7”, can turn 10 or admins do anything to stop him, or at least can us the forum community name & shame him everywhere as game player spoiler & file complaint him accordingly…

thanks for reading :wink:

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mmmm how’d you get your rims in the banner like that also the answer is to email forza directly and since you have xbox one you can provide recordings of it so please provide some when submitting a ticket

Yep thanks for that tip that didn’t occur to me to do that, but will next time’ save a vid & send to xbox & turn10 i mean… thanks again

you’re welcome

The DS3 has a pretty cool paint glitch, the inserts of the wheel change with the colour of the main body and the outer rim changes with the wheel colour option.