so i guess this is the era of recycled games

There was a lot from the first forza horizon that needed to change. For example the fact that they incorperate a cringe fest of races that force you to race some cars in the dirt that shouldnt be driven more than 10mph in the dirt. But they ignored that completley, these are the laziest developers on the face of the planet! How hard can it be to give us what we pay for??? Forza horizon 2 is literally the same game as the first one, with better graphics. The graphics and physics are pretty damn good. But things about this game are just sooo damn cheap. To start off there is only one driver model, seriously. This is next gen and you dont offer at least an option to pick your own charecter??? And how hard can it be to spend more than 5 minutes coming up with a decent campaign??? Why doesnt anyone use test drive unlimited as an example??? Thats what forza horizon should of always been. Put cars in dealerships that you have to find. Offer the ability to configure your car (wheels, interior color…) Before purchase. Offer more interesting campaign, jesus with things like deliveries or hitchhikers or some kinda odd quests. Does the studio that makes horizon have a creative team cuz if they do, fire them, imediatly!!! This game if so painfully generic!!! And who in gods name thought crosscountry races would be cool??? Absolute dumbest idea ever!!! This is suppose to be a car finatics game, why in the heck do you force us to take sports cars at idiotic speeds over idiotic terrain that a baha buggy would have trouble with???

Turn 10 please rethink who your letting make horizon!!!

Please rethink who you’re, as in you are, letting make Horizon. And the era of recycled games is now??? You must have never seen a Call of Duty or Battlefield Multiplayer game…

Anyways, thank you for your opinion. Any suggestions you’d like to see perhaps in the game should be directed towards the wishlist thread.


I think cross country races are AWESOME!!!


gosh, butthurt much?


I can understand the complaint about the driver model. There are a lot of women gamers these days and to not allow someone to pick at least a female driver for the car is extremely short sited.

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We appreciate your feedback, but politely disagree with your stance.

You can contact the developers by email at


The era of recycled games has been going on for some time, now. FH2 is a worthy sequel to FH1.

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