Small changes that would make such a big difference in the future Horizon

  1. When you change cars and get it “delivered” out in game land. That is, not in your home base. Why does it always land facing the opposite direction? If it would land going the direction you were originally going it would be much less frustrating.

  2. Put a “change car” option in the start race menu so when a player goes to a race, “with the car they intend to race”, they can just start the race, without having to page through a selection of cars they didn’t want in the first place. That way, if they do want to change cars the option is available. But if not the race can just get under way.

  3. Stop charging us credits to fast travel. It doesn’t cost Playground Games anything for us to fast travel. It’s really a waste of playing time and energy and credits we could put into our cars. Just let us have fast travel from day one to any home sites our horizon festival sites.

Not looking for the big major changes here. Just the little things that are the small frustrating things that should be easy changes for PGG.

Please add your little frustrations to the list. But leave the big bugs for another topic.

Basic game menus. Why can’t all menus be available from one single location? Blend the at home menu and the in game menu into one user-friendly menu.

If you place down a route marker facing the direction your wanting your car to face. Then fast travel behind it… it will flip your car the right direction…at least it did in all the previous titles.