Does anyone know how the skill points translate into XP? It doesn’t seem to make any sense. I would think better skill chains would mean more XP but it actually appears to penalize you. If I pull a 99200 point skill chain, I get 1900 XP, but a 412 point skill chain gets me 37 XP. That translates to 1.9% for the longer skill chain vs 8.9% for the shorter skill chain. That means I get more XP if I don’t do long skill chains. This doesn’t make any sense.
I’ve noticed that the skill points seem to award XP based on thresholds. I’m not sure, though. I’d definitely like to see if anyone else has been able to figure it out.
They work differently - if you do something you get a certain amount of skill points, and you can repeat this in the skill chain and have it add together while the XP is based on the SKILL itself (ie clean racing, drift etc) and only counts once (so a chain with 10 DRIFTS is 1000 points - 10 x 100 - but you only get 10 XP - 1 x 10).
If you want to increase Skill points then you want to keep the chain going as long as possible (but they become pointless once you have all 65 Perks Points, unless you are doing a a skill bucket list event or similar). If you want to maximize your XP then let the chain end rather than repeating actions - which will increase your driver level.
Its to stop people grinding xp by doing donuts all day.
Regardless of the scoring, it ruins the online roadtrips. Some people just drive from event to event and then do the same in each event. On short roadtrips, they can score massive points without any racing skill and thus win the 4-event roadtrip.