simply no sound (done all in other posts)

no sound in the main game, the intro has sound, no sound anywhere else. Done everything in the other posts. Using realtec onboard but my 2nd sound card audigy2doesnt work either.

I have to test this further, but I had the same problem until this morning when I did a clean install of the latest Nvidia driver. It replaced amongst other things the HD audio driver that comes with the Nvidia driver.
After the clean install, the sound was now coming from the Realtek onboard card into my headphones.
Previous to that, I had tried everything, including reinstalling the sound driver, downgrading the sound driver back to some older but known version, uninstalling and reinstalling pretty much everything else.
I’ll post in here again if for whatever reason it goes back to no sound.

I did precisely the same thing and i was happy for a day as everything was working fine, i booted the next day and again, intro sound but none at the point you press A to go to the main HUD. It has worked 2/5 times after i run FH4 as soon as my pc boots (3.2GHz QCore 970 nvidiagfx 16gbRam). A real shame. My only saving grace is im playing through game pass.