SIGN UP NOW LAST DAY, COME TEST YOUR SKILL , Watch the most intense drifting league available!

Hye everyone , Opening Season 1 starts in 2 day March 12! Sign up today at , sign up yourself or car club. Battle with some of the most skill and talented gamers in the league.
Will also have multiple practice lobbys up from now til the start of the tournament. Live broadcast will be on youtube & twitch. Also don’t miss our highlights from the tournaments!

Stay Sideways!

Touge Drift League

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Where can I find the practice lobbies?

There will be multiple practice lobby’s goings on tonight 9est , add/follow either: T0pEnd, Driv3nbymtnd3w, Tsuka joe1, Beruts Maximuz,

Last day to sign up , tell your enemy, friend, car rival club, and team to sign up tonight, come claim your title.

Practice Lobbies are up!

Practice lobbies are open. Current lobbies are sittin sideways, aa bad machine, and myself ( blasted text censorship). message for invites agood luck this evening.