The game is very boring right now, attendance here on the forum is proof enough that the game has become boring for a large portion of the players.
The latest Community Bounty attracted just over 8,000 players to participate last time I checked, 8000! thats alarming low numbers, this game is about to die very soon.
The best aid for the moment is to release Nuburgring as soon as possible and then to fix obvious buggs and start working with the top ten issues from our wishlists, if they really care about saving this sinking ship.
I agree with you somewhat on the bounty. I personally did not enjoy it very much, largely because I’m just not a good enough driver yet to do a decent job with a very touchy A-class car at one of the more difficult tracks. The MBA in me questions the logic of having a monthly contest that caters only to the top 1000 drivers. If this were the Forza Championships, that would be one thing. But, a monthly contest that only caters to the top 1000 has “niche product” written all over it.
So, I stopped doing the bounty simply because I wasn’t enjoying it. Congrats to all who were able to best Mechberg. As somebody who tried it, I know how difficult it is.
Having said that, I’m not bored with the game. Forza 5 is my driving school. And, I’ve got a lot of work to do. But, the improvement I see each time I put in a session keeps me going. Now I’ve just got to work to get my first top 1% time. Soon!
Virtually every post you make is you moaning about how bad the game is. Might I suggest you stop playing it if it’s so bad? Personally, I hope they never release the Nurburgring, had a gutful of hearing about it.
A lot of people (myself included) have been playing Titanfall, which could partly explain lower numbers in the CBH.
Yeah you’re probably right, I’ll keep my mouth shut from now, I’m bored and need something new to play with, I have no interest in FPS games either, is there any other good games on the Xbox that someone can recommend? Otherwise I mainly play F1 2013 and TW 2013 Golf on my 360 wating for something major to happen with Forza 5, especially Nuburgring.
You’re fairly limited if you don’t like FPS. Titanfall is good fun though, especially with a few mates.
If the game is as broken as you say, then I don’t really see what a new track (Nurburgring) will do to fix that.
CBH really isn’t a metric to measure the communities involvement. It probably only has 8k people because those 8k people thought they stood a chance to beat Mechberg. I bet you there’s plenty more people that didn’t even try because they know they’d have no chance at beating him.
The game is a masterpiece. They’ll add stuff as time goes on. It’s only been out a few months. Patience grasshoppers. You’ve got 3-5 years of Forza releases en route.
Nurburgring is very fun to drive with all types of cars (Hot Lapping) it’s long and offers variety , actually the only thing that’s fun with this game IMO.
As much as I’d like to see it,I don’t think adding the Ring at this point will make too much of a difference. For people on the forums maybe, but to most of the riff raff in the hoppers it’ll just be another track they won’t vote for because they can’t wallride or shortcut. I love Road America and am glad they added it but honestly I’ve only raced it in the hoppers around 10 times since it was released. The kiddies would much rather run the Alps or Prague.
I’m still digging into this game, so all I hope at the point is they don’t nerf the cr payouts. Getting Ferrari’s in 2 hours of play is worth it for me since I spend 80% of my time mucking about in tuning.
Still bugfixes and getting the auction house back would be really nice!
I drift everyday get crashed trolled dnfed allmost 50% of the time. Car addons are so bad why bother. Oh and that great game Titanfall is Cod with cardboard mechs. I’m sick of the game after 4 hours of play. So I drift paint and play Bf4 but I am jonesing for some better products. This is my last Forza game that I will buy mainly cause it’s worse than 4 by far and to me your not getting a second chance. Project cars will make this game fade away to the bargain bin . Such high hopes such low product features and tracks…
agree with some of what you say especially about titanfall, but I’ve never finished a Forza(1234) game career mode? to busy painting and hot lapping so the game is still a lot of fun to me,
remember forza 5 was a launch title and i think the sacrificed a lot to meet a release date,
compared to the lackluster effort of Gran Turismo 5 (never been so bored playing a racing game)
I have the latest build of Project Cars on my pc it looks great but its physics need a bit of work and I’ve also got a fear this game is vaporware our at best will remain a niche game for pc gamers.
well that probably means we won’t have an announcement before the packs released, which sucks btw I’m not saying they should scrap the clue thread, they just need to start earlier, so they can make an announcement a day or so before the pack becomes available or they could release all the clues at once, so people could have the whole weekend to guess and then make the announcement on Monday.