should I be ashamed?

well when I search my gamertag on Google (bing dose not come up with much photos) it comes up with an taco (even though my gamertag is RitzyBiscuit7

yah… I feel like an wizard

I get most of my pictures, and a “MOTHER OF GOD” face,


are you asking if you should be ashamed about posting the pic in a thread you originated about how you like to be random or that you can’t remember doing it?

@RitzyBiscuit…go to and go to “select a gamerpic gallery” and scroll down to the S’s…then go to Sn…then look about eight down from the first “SnootiestRoom72”…least you don’t have your tag there quite a few times…

But no, don’t be embarrased, express the taco!

EDIT: are you kidding me? When you are putting a link up you don’t need [ url] and [ /url] anymore? [Facepalm]

Believe me, it could be worse. I get a pic of a naked dwarf when I googled my name…

He’s got a point…that is pretty bad…