Share your favorite gearHead/petrolHead movies or clips.

So we brushed up against a few of the great movies that us gearHeads/petrolHeads love in another thread and it made me think we should have a post somewhere that people can link or list their favorites. Lets include movies, video clips, tv series and/or any type of gearHead/petrolHead related audio/visual items. You may also want to post where they are available (Netflix, youtube, etc.)

Lets try and keep it organized some so limit the “I second that” type posts, please. I figure the easiest way is for each person to list the names of the movies they like and the links to the movie or clips (youtube or other video sites). So here goes a starter list. I grabbed a few of these from the thread over in the Forza 5 discussion.

Return to Millen Mountain
The World’s Fastest Indian
Long Way Round
Long Way Down
Love the Beast
Top Gear UK
(All the above are on Netflix now)

Isle of Man TT race run hot lap

Preview of the movie Closer to the Edge

Mark Higgins Subaru WRX STI Isle of Man TT Record Attempt

Speed Comparison: GT vs. F1

62 Years of Formula One

Ok so there is a start, I left TONS of movies out so others could post and I am sure there are lots of video clips that people want to share, lets see them!

Happy Racing All!

Love The Beast is amazing but absolutely nothing tops these two;

1.) Vanishing Point

2.) Bullet Car Chase

Also, for anyone else who is huge fan of vintage touring car racing, check out this YouTube channel.

Cheers, mate! Great list your compiling.