Server Problems??

Hey everyone :smiley:

Set up my wheel did some tuning on my DWS15 and i was pretty happy (holding angle and speed)
I thought… i know lets hop into a drift lobby and see how i fare against others using my ancient steering wheel…“Cannot connect to Turn 10 servers at this time please try again later”
GRRRRRRRRR First time i had this and before i saw the message on the community home page i almost passed a brick because usually when i read about people not being able to join games or use the storefront it means BAN TIME!!! but thankfully its just a server thing going on :confused: hey ho hopefully be bk on track 2moro and i can use my wheel against peeps in lobbys.
Anyone else had this issue?
Stay sideways people :smiley:

its been telling me that for like a month now for no reason :confused: its like iv had a ban put on me but i havnt done anything :confused: going to have to start a new account soon :frowning:

mines ok now, seemed it was only for that night. everything is back to normal now. sorry to here about your game though mate :confused: