server issues [Xbox One]

anyone else keep getting disconnected from the servers? im still connected on xbox live but inside the game it keeps saying im not connected to a server. times and ghosts aren’t being saved either. and not sure how to reconnect to the servers other than a hard reset of my xbox. im on xbox one. thanks

I think they are just wonky because they are currently trying to work and fix the problems in the game. Just give it time and it will be working like normal again.

ok thanks. I wasn’t sure what was happening. game was working great since midnight and then I got this message a few times in the past hour. seems like it still saves my level ups and credits so I will continue to play solo in the meantime. thanks again for the reply

I had to take a nap from the game due to frustrating thoughts… I wake up to see now I’m same level locked out ofonline and my car club symbol next to my name is gone… And no crown!!!

Do they have the design and tuning files down too? I am unable to acesss these as well.

you should be good now. everything has been working for me for the past hour