[sch] Renault Megane for your consideration

An original I uploaded and made available today. Hopefully you can find room in your garage of paints. Feedback always appreciated. Thanks
Car: Renault Megane
GT: sirchickenheart
megane2 by givetokeith, on Flickr
megane3 by givetokeith, on Flickr
megane1 by givetokeith, on Flickr

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That is really nice mate! The base is very very clean and the colors work quite well together. Nice job mate, this is quality, been looking for a paint for this one and yours fits the bill.

Clean and simple. Very nice!

Very clean and nice

Nice work on this mate looks crisp and clean! Do you have a thread with all your work because I have not managed to come across it yet ?anyway great work keep em coming

What he said looks great.You should put all your cars in one thread think you would get more views…

Looking good SCH!!

very nice mate, looks great!!

Get a gallery going bud, with how the search is so broken if all paints are in one place we can find them faster! :slight_smile:

Must grab the Megane over the weekend


great livery, gonna pick it up for sure