S2KING! F20c Turbo Engine Bay/KinGs PerFormanCe

i want to introduce my toy most of you probably know her from forza 5 she was the first car i painted on there if you know me you know i like to paint engine bays on any car i do cut off work and some custom fabrication on my motors and do wide body some times. this is still a learning experience for me and want everyone to see how i progress.
this is my s2000 kings performance are known to have the fastest street s2000 so i got my idea for my built.


(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3954/14920278023_2e9729797f_z.jpg)](KinGs PerFormance S2k!! | TCF Drama | Flickr)KinGs PerFormance S2k!! by TCF Drama, on Flickr]s2king[/img]

still got to work on the down pipe,the throttle body,the radiator, the pulley,the fuel rail you guys get the idea lol hope ya like it


Nice mate, still cant fathom how you paint an engine bay lol


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Awesome start, huge fan of your old engine bays, can’t wait to see what you produce on FH2!

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looking good !!

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I’ve always loved the engine bays and this one is no exception! Welcome back.

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looks great so far man

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Looking impressive mate cant wait to see he finished product

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I am also amazed at the patience you have at painting an engine bay. Looks great!

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I’ve always liked and appreciated the work that goes into engine bay painting on Forza, especially some of the very detailed ones. I didn’t even see any on Forza 5 but now with even more layers these engine bays can be even more detailed.

Keep up the good work!

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He’s back, he’s back! YIIIIPPPPEEEE!!! I love your work mate and I can’t wait to get a hold of this next round of cars from you! The S2K is looking very very good so far.

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This is gonna be good! S2000 one of my top 5 cars.

Just a suggestion (not sure if you’re already going to do this or not) what ive done on one of my paints before is made the bonnet seem like plexiglass, this way the obvious fact that its a flat surface isn’t too bad. It is however difficult making it seem like glass.

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thanks guys this car really been a pain lol just the down pipe from the turbo been giving me a headache :frowning: and finding a header/manifold to look good with the turbo.
here’s a progress on her…

S2000 S2King by TCF Drama, on Flickr

still need cleaning up and lil bit more detail :smiley: car got a magnus intake manifold, a 67m precision turbo,and koyorad radiator :slight_smile: built by "KINGS Performance’

@AB: lol u know It
@PTG Curtis: thank you sir
@Dose: thanks
@Ace: thanks even tho I tend to disappeared from time to time lol
@RIKITIroo: thanks
@CRUSE2382: thanks man she almost done :slight_smile:
@BIGJONUSA: thanks u gotta have patience for this but I think making vinyl group is more challenging :frowning:
@SCS Skreamies: thank u I had some in forza 5 but they never got release :frowning:
@Pride:Niiiiiiicccccccceeeeeee!!! lol
@Zenin 511: thanks i really not a fan of the whole plexiglass idea :frowning: i like the open hood :slight_smile: thanks for the idea tho.

Spectacular work!

Is there any chance you will finish the S15 on FM5? I’ve gone back to playing FM5 and that S15 would look sweet going sideways :slight_smile:

wow that looks fantastic!!

Engine looking great !

But S15 :wink: HINT HINT!!!
