Road Trips & Award Party Ruin A Fantastic Game

Hiya guys, surely I can’t be the only person who absolutely hates the road trips and award ceremony?

In the online multiplayer I think roadtrips are actually a blast with friends, but in single player…during the first championship (first 15 and finale) it’s fine, but after that, why must we drive these trips in single player when we just want to race, it drives me mad. I also feel the awards ceremony itself is totally pointless. It’s the same recycled cutscene over and over, with a bunch of stats, how does this translate as a party? or ceremony? I think the devs just threw these in as time fillers. I love the game, I think it’s the best Forza yet, but 2 or 3 things have really started to annoy me in this game.

I’m also finding the narrator extremely annoying, he keeps telling me I’m starting to get noticed, etc when I’ve already won the finale twice!!

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I don’t mind it, personally. The game is all about driving, after all, so a little scoot to the main hub (taking no more than a minute or two with shortcuts) every now and then doesn’t bother me that much.

I agree it’s unnecessary, but not a gamebreaker. The narrator, Ben, on the other hand… Let’s just say I’d pay a King’s Ransom for a DLC that lets you park a Rally Fighter on his face, or simply shoot him with your choice of oversize pistol* >:/

*edit: neither of these acts are meant to KILL poor ol’ Ben, just set him up with a lengthy hospital stay. Let him tell his nurse that the racers are talking about her. After she changes his bandages and dressings, he’ll say form like that COULD take her all the way to the finale (she’s a very skilled nurse)… Thing is, she watched the Horizon races on TV and knows the Finale(s) are over, and that her patient raced in (and LOST) the 2nd one.

And she doesn’t drive. Takes the bus.

(sorry, that went WAY off the rails. Was tons of fun to write though :D)


Going back to the rewards party after every three championships I’ll admit is a bit redundant. The road trips to each different city I’m fine with though, after all it is a driving/racing game.


I agree. If we didn’t have to go back for the rewards party, that would be great. As far as the road trips, I like them. It is a driving game after all.


It does get old but I got most of my promo photos that way

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They may have over reacted too all the whiners from H1, but we got what we got, and I enjoy it :slight_smile:

I also like the road trips between cities, but am not fond of returning to the reward party after every three championships. If these returns are indeed necessary, I would be more supportive of a return after completing all six championships in a given class of vehicle.


I don’t mind the city drives that much, but the Awards Ceremony is pointless, and so anti climatic. Stupid thing for T10 to add.

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Agreed, but at least you get xp, I go in order to the cities so I have a the minimum driving distance (same for the festival), most my roadtrips are around 2-4 miles away from each other :slight_smile: