Anyone noticed that the number of rivals seems low. For example, x class road America show approximately 25k times recorded.
Spa has maybe 150k. Road Atlanta club 23 k, and so on.
Don’t these numbers seem a bit low? Especially considering that included in the leaderboards are the dirty laps where someone went afk for 45 minutes.
Maybe not a lot of people want to race the x class. I’ve spent most of my time in the C and A classes myself. Saw a track with almost 1.4 million people on the LB.
For now it is a niche class. Either you like racing the lotus or you don’t. C-S are popular because there are a bunch of cars to choose from that are good. The leaderboards are more populated as result.
Its a little low, considering the game was bundled for much of the world. Think a lot of it has to do with the twitchy nature of cars. I think the controller updates have helped. Hopefully aprils xbox one patch improves the triggers sensitivity as well…
You act as though bundling should boost these figures, but you lack understanding. A previous post listed numbers from Forza Motorsport 4, which sold over 4,000,000 copies when last I checked, so a bare minimum of 4,000,000 players played the game, and it’s actually probably higher because some of those copies were played by more than one person. FM5 hasn’t seen anywhere near that many players. Some weeks back I checked and found no leaderboard for any track in FM5 with much more than 1,000,000 players listed. There were tracks in FM4 with three or four times that.
There’s another factor regarding bundling to consider, as well. Games that aren’t bundled are purposely purchased by players interested enough to buy that game on its own rather than accepting it as part of a bundled package. Many players getting it bundled may have more limited interest in the game. Most people who play Forza don’t play it enough to post times for most track configurations, which is why some have far more times listed than others. Some track and class combinations are rarely touched, which is why some have so few times on their leaderboards. Most players don’t progress all that far though the career, meaning they won’t post all that many times, plus the career doesn’t touch a lot of the track configurations all that much, and the career largely focuses on lower car classes. It’s only the most dedicated players that go through playing a massive number of track and class combinations. Most folks getting Forza as part of a bundle aren’t passionate, dedicated Forza fans playing thousands of races.
Must be nice to be able to speak in absolutes, then completely discredit yourself in the very next sentence. There isn’t a single track in FM4 with 3-4 million people on it. Further when you did your “check” in FM5 you must not be able to properly read. C class Sebring has had over a million users since a few months back. R class Prague since the beginning of the game. Bundling will add more users, how long they play is another story. Most highly populated track are due to there inclusion in career and multi-player lobbies. X class isn’t part of career and may not be popular for multi-player.
Are you sure X class isn’t part of career? I seem to remember races involving my E21. there’s an entire series in the Racing bracket, mixed in with the GT, Indy, and other race series.
alot of people dont do rivals. some track and class combos are not in career or dont show up in the online rotation. lemans seems too long for d class and short tracks in r class become wreckfests. its also the reason that on some tracks it seems that just a clean lap will get you in the top 1% espically on the short tracks. the draft keeps everybody dirty. then there are tracks where a #90 isn’t going to be top 1%. the only reason people will see that track is completing rivals, no drafting to dirty people up.