Hi, could anyone at Forza 5 please advice on how it can be that I have three F50 cars, all with different set ups yet I set the exact same spit times and the same lap times, and I mean EXACT same lap time. No matter how I change my driving style no matter if I early brake or late break I am unable to break my fastest lap time, have gone round corners in 3rd gear 4th gear and even set the car up to go round in 5th gear all with different rev levels. I have tried with manual clutch and auto clutch, all assists on and all assists off, yet my times always stay the same, how is this possible? Is this a case of how many laps I am doing rather than how I drive the car, because I say this is not possible, Is this a glitch or have Forza set it up this way to keep us on the game as long as possible?
If the 3 different cars have idential upgrade parts and tires, it is entirely possible to have 3 different set-ups and end up with identical laptimes. The reasons are:
Identical power = you have equal amount of thrust all around the track. Unless the gears are EXTREMELY poorly set-up, the engine is still giving roughly same amount of thrust.
Tire traction has not changed = the set-ups may be different but the tire has same amount of traction therefore your cornering speed, acceleration, and deceleration performance can remain similar overall.
You may be a driver who is good at adapting to difference in car set-ups. If you are, no matter which car you drive your driving technique changes to cater to the car’s behaviour/misbehaviour; therefore you end up extracting same amount of traction and thrust from the car no matter what the set-up.
Hey, thanks for the reply, had thought of that when setting up different cars, so I set up the cars with different power. torque, weight, front and displacement. believe me I have tried every type of set up on the three cars, there is no way at all that all three cars would give me the exact same split time, lap times I could understand, but split time just not possible. I even did different tyre size, tried stock rims I truly tested this to it limits on all different set ups and I end up with the same times, just not possible no way. Have stayed up late tonight to give the rivals a good chance, here’s what I tried that should give me different SPLIT times changing gear before corner, then in the middle of corner and just on exit of corner all three methods gave me exact same split times, sorry say again just not possible.
What is your definition of exact? Getting the exact same lap times and splits consistently is basically impossible even in the same tune. On a balanced track the PI system can keep many people from noticing much of a difference in build/tune for a given car. An experienced builder/tuner will, of course, be better able to create a noticeable difference.
Proof is in the pudding so care to share a few YT-videos where we can actually see you apply different tunes, race a lap and see you are posting the same times over and over again?
But then there is another option; your skills might (!!!) fail to catch up with the good/bad tune? Essentially you’re driving 3 different F-50’s only to 60% of their ability making it indeed possible to post times that are eerily close to eachother?
Hi, I think I should make it clear with that, it is not the case that I think I am brilliant Forza player or that I think I can set better lap times than what I am setting or that I am playing the game to its 100% maximum, it is a case though of a good expectation of different approach and method would give different results. Any game of this type can not be a true exact comparison to real life driving I truly understand that too “nothing and no one in real life is perfect”, I am merely trying to find out the games limitations (something I know game creators don’t naturally like to admit to or let be widely known). I also understand that with every game there are short cuts and flaws that some people can take advantage of, I am not interested in them either (been number 1 is not the ultimate goal here), but if we are to truly enjoy the game then I would like to know the built in limitation an honest level to which we can aim for. If we play the game fairly and make small improvements each time, taking out the short cuts and flaws what would be the absolute limit to which we could realistically reach, all us realistic people know that the top 100/200 is never going to be achievable (taking in to account the short cuts and flaws). To imply that with practice and natural ability alone it would possible to beat them at the top of the leader board, is I think unrealistic and a little unfair, I am truly not on a gripe here just wanting to find a realistic level to aim for, cheers.
Maybe you have reached you skill threshold… you are pushing the car to your absolute limit… not the car… and have become proficient enough to set similar lap and sector times meaning your not improving or getting worse…
If your hitting the EXACT same times and splits (getting a green .000) every single time I would attempt a re install of the game something isn’t right. I only recall hitting an EXACT split or lap time once, rarely twice per 20-30 lap session, and that’s with the same car and set up.
Hi, ok after much more playing around I have come up with a possible solution, would really appreciate a co-compatriot to help test it out. That is to do two out laps then a hot lap followed by two more out laps then a hot lap and so on and so on, would so like to see if it works for others. And TorridGull8 to say that I have reached my skill limit is not only short sighted, but is an insult to MS as why the heck would anyone pay over £500 for a console and games to have only 5 months off fun, please do be serious, do you not think that concept has not been built in to the game by MS, this is a game for years not months. TG Tyrant I do get green .000 consistently about every 10/15 laps although I don’t think there is an issue with the game, there is a system here a way to continually push the game to its max, just looking for a way to beat the game.
Ok cause from your first post it sounded like you were driving around the track different ways but setting the EXACT same splits and lap times every single time. Getting the same split or lap time every 10-15 laps without beating it would be incredibly frustrating but I wouldn’t say there is glitch in the game. It appears you’ve hit a wall with that car/track and driving something else for a bit might help you get faster. Do 20-30 laps with a car that handles differently then come back to the F50 and see if that helps.
Just to be clear, it would be difficult to know that you are setting the same split times from one session to the next. The split times you see are the split time compared to your best lap in that session. It is not being compared to your previous best overall lap time.
That said, it would make sense in theory that 3 different builds, all with the same PI could post a similar overall lap time. It doesn’t really happen that often in practice, but that is the overall goal of the PI system.
It is quite possible to get the same split times several times in a single hot lapping session if you are driving consistently. I had about 5 or 6 identical 1st section times in one session for RBW Triton’s Bounty Hunter challenge (albeit a 30 lap session round Road America!). Only once did I manage to keep that up into the 2nd sector though.
It also isn’t clear from your posts if you have improved your best lap for the session, in which case your split times will update to be the split times for the fastest lap in that session.
OMG I actually did it a bit of a raggedy lap but still did it, jumped 19 places and I know I have a faster time yet to come, much faster time, did it by doing two hot laps then stopping at pit lane then out for another hot lap, better gear change help too.
Congrats on topping your time!
My only thought is that pitting that often you’re at most getting 1 true lap in for every 3 of driving (first lap burned exiting pit/ 1 good lap/ 3rd lap burned entering pt) not sure that’s the most efficient way of doing it… Although your tire pressure might be on the high side to work well for shorter online races If that seems to work for you it sounds like you might be trying too hard and driving way too tense. I’m guilty of this as well and the death grip that you’re using on the controller is probably working against you. Remember “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”
I would say that my “short sighted comment” seems to be the most accurate one. The reason you are running such similar sector and lap times is because you are basically at your personal threshold.
Also that wouldn’t be an insult to ms at all. You have done that on one track layout with one particular car in one class… you now have another 25+ layouts with 100’s more cars to attempt to beat that time. Then there is also online racing, tuning, painting, and career to work through.
So sounds like you have years more worth of gameplay ahead of you if this is the case…