Ripped Racing pics and livery showcase

Hello fellow Forzanites. This string will be dedicated to new photos from Ripped Racing Car Club Members showing off photography skills,. or lack there of and pics of liverys available in our Store Fronts.


(](]Hips Tag[/img]

Here are some old school pics from me…


(](]Glowin Baby[/img]


(](]Serious Z[/img]


(](]ORC Genny[/img]

Here are some recent photos

The Vette Photo was an Honorable Mention for wk 107


(](]Over Pass[/img]


(](]Vette Heaven[/img]


(](]Ghost Flight[/img]


(](]Ghost Flight[/img]

Had to post this one, possibly the sharpest looking Nova ever and a cool pic to boot! I may be bias though LOL.


(](]Ghost Flight II[/img]