Can any one shed some light on my problem, i just started playing F5,but i got a shock the whole game was reset!. I was at level 265 with all the car packs,and now I’m back to the begining again, also there was an update! everything was ok before it,Any ideas whats gone wrong?
did you load up the game while it was still installing the update? As its always best to start the game when the update has completed 100%
I did it after the download was finished,so is there anything i can do? i’ve just looked and i have no cars in the garage only the ones from the DLC packs.
are you sure the right gamer tag is signed in? sometimes kinnect will sign in someone just walking the the room if it spots them.
yeah it was the right gamer tag signed in as I checked it twice
the thought of staring all over makes me feel sick,as it’s taken me since the game out to build up all the credits and levells
I’m sure you’ve already done this, but have you turned xbox off at the mains, left it a while and put it back on? (thats sorted same issues with other people).
yeah have tried that but it did’nt work,running out of ideas now.
try taking your xbox off line, play forza for a bit then put your xbox online. that should pop up an option to restore the game save from the cloud. if your old save is still in the cloud you might get everything back, if not you wont be any farther behind than you are now. under settings- network there should be an option on the left side to disconnect wireless so you dont have to mess with your router or modem, then just reconnect later.
I will have a go at that,anything is better than nothing
Try whats been advised, then try the FAQ here -
If you continue to have problems check this thread and try the steps there and if your still having problems post in that thread.