Request DLC

well guys I was wondering if we could request car packs to be made? hopefully Turn 10 would take notice and make a pack…

I dont know if theres a minimum or maximum amount of cars allowed in a pack but I was hoping to see some of these cars made:

  1. Second Generation Ford Scorpio
  • 4 Door Saloon
  • 5 Door Estate
  1. 1972 - 1977 Ford Granada Mk 1
  • 2 Door Saloon
  • 2 Door Coupe
  1. 1977 - 1985 Ford Granada Mk 2
  • 2 Door Saloon
  • 5 Door Estate
  1. Ford Cortina Mk 3
  • 2 Door Saloon
  1. Ford Cortina Mk 4
  • 2 Door Saloon
  • 5 Door Estate
  1. Ford Escort Mk 1
  • 2 Door Saloon
  1. Ford Escort Mk 2
  • 2 Door Saloon
  1. Ford Escort Mk 3
  • 2 Door Saloon

Like I said some not all… or maybe 2 packs?? would be great to see these cars in the game!


I don’t work for Turn 10, but if I were a gambling man, I would bet that there is not going to be any more DLC of any kind for Horizon.

I’ll second that.

Its been over a year without DLC, so like it was said: I would forget that.

thats what I mean… maybe if enough people request a pack they might make one? talking a lot of people though…

I think it would probably require you more players then FMH as right now…

My request is a lock of this thread!

My prediction is no DLC and… a lock of this thread soon…

Don’t need to lock it.
Obviously the question has been answered several times.

FH isnt too popular nowadays anyway, and they’re focusing on the next gen items, i doubt any glitches will be worth fixing or car packs being added

There aren’t enough Horizon players to warrant any more DLC. Look at the activity on these forums; pretty sparse.

DLC is out of the question, we’ll be lucky if they keep the monthly Rivals comps going…

Forza needs to add cars people actually have like the 2011 to 2014 mustang gt and 2003 to 2004 terminator cobra and the c6 corvette not just the z06 and zr1 like the ls2 and ls3 and have real known engine swaps

Wonderful gravedig. EOL announcement is in the title of the sticky at the top of this subforum.