A quick reminder that today’s Forza Motorsport Game With Devs is happening today 2/5 beginning at 2 p.m. Pacific. We’ll be playing Forza Motorsport 5, Forza Horizon, and Forza Motorsport 4 so join us in chat over at our official Twitch page to get in on all the fun.
hey it would be nice if you could have posted this/ PM everyone like a week or 3 days ago because I did know know about this and I think a lot of people did not ether
not angry but it would have bean cool to race the developers today with an early heads up (@turn10 you can delete this if you want from this thread)
that session was a bit mad on fm5. the game of hide and seek was a bit too much for me. sooo hard to get to find you guys. and after eventually finding you, no badge to show for… never mind, I hope you will sort this out in the future.
Kind of disappointed that I missed the GWD today, all because Comcast’s Xfinity service went out for my residence; Hopefully I’ll make it to the next one