I had a great weekend driving rally cars and shooting imports. Read about it and the weekend in racing in RVM.
See you tomorrow in the #ForzaHorizonTuesday Livestream at 1 p.m. Pacific on Twitch TV Twitch
I had a great weekend driving rally cars and shooting imports. Read about it and the weekend in racing in RVM.
See you tomorrow in the #ForzaHorizonTuesday Livestream at 1 p.m. Pacific on Twitch TV Twitch
Hey John! speaking of Horizon… I just purchased the first Horizon (and the season pass)… yea, I’m a bit behind… anyway, is there ANY chance of capturing the unicorn for that older iteration of the game, the First Horizon? please?! pretty please?! Saint John (sorry) ;^)
Another Nascar race in the books and another DNF for Gordon. UGH! Not liking the way the last season is starting out, but hey, it’s just starting. On to Vegas! Hopefully Gordon can get the win, but if not, at least finish well.
Thanks Johniwanna for this recent RVM, interesting news and beautiful photos like always, , have a nice weekend and see you probably in Tuesday live streaming if possible.