Rear View Mirror 12-8-14

You know 2014 is coming to an end when the V8 Supercars season anoints a champion. Well, that happened and much more you can read about in RVM.

I also covered a couple Forza racing event that are evidence of my coming up in the word as a driver. Got something to say about it? Post it here folks.

See you in the Forza Horizon Tuesdays livestream on Twitch tomorrow at Pacific.


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That time lapse video from Varjo Designs…is mint, pure quality that paint and the video itself, top job.


I don’t know about you John but those electric rally cars in the snow just sounded weird to me!

Thanks for mentioning vandalism,John. The hotlap events will continue tomorrow ( FM 5 and H 2).
Joona did a fantastic job on the Lambo and the design is shared (GT Varjo Designs)
Hope to see more evnts like the Club one,it was very nice to enter OVEN with my 2nd account and
see an active club! Seems our guys are bound to the painting area…
See ya on twitch tonight…

Thanks HandheldBee9!

And DagNoFear I would’ve entered as a part of Vandalism but I personally would be happy to hit top 2000 let alone 200, so I thought maybe when there’s club event of painting or something lol!

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Is it possible to see the final standings for the club race event? Last I checked, I was still in the top 200, but I know I was dropping fast.

Nice lecture as always, this year I also got a Christmas gifts for everyone in my family earlier. Bought on the internet - waiting for them to arrive :slight_smile:
I have always loved Andros Trophee, I remember this races from my childhood (well an late childhood :wink: ) and I have always loved these special built cars. My favorite was the french tema Mega - someone remeber it? Thos cars were great, just take a look:

…anyone remember these ones? They used to race in Trophee Andros in 1990’s, I remeber when I have build a replica of them from my Lego bricks :smiley:

…and browsing the internet I saw a new one:

but this is produced by Aixam (You can see those bodylines of small electric car on this racecar :smiley: )

Sorry for my bad english.

GT: RefferingQuery
Unicorn: I know that I’m asking for a lot again - but I really need all the 17 Unis for FM4 again, last - really - time.

Thanks John, always a pleasure to read…

Yes the 2014 V8 Supercars Champion is Jamie Wincup, congrats to him and his team for his 6th Championship. No matter what is said, winning 6 titles is a huge effort for both him and his team.

One stand out was Scott McLaughlin in the Volvo this year. The car does sound very different to the rest of the field and has different strengths to the other cars.

It was good to see a return of a Xbox liveried car for at least one race this year. Good to see it on a Ford. Sad to find out there will be no official Ford support in the future.

I didn’t find the return of Marcos Ambrose particularly appealing. He was not well liked during his time racing V8’s in the past by either fans or competitors.

Is the Saint still giving out Unicorns in FM4 & FH? I have a few members of my club (son’s friends) that don’t have any or even know what they are.

Hope it does :slight_smile:

it was a nice read john but i was wondering if there was anyway I can get one unicorn car for forza 4. I do not care which one and it would be a nice Christmas gift lol. My gt is xXmlock1128Xx

I really like the artwork of the Lamborghini
Much respect to people who can do stuff like this!!!

Unfortunately i myself am not so transferred :frowning:
However i tried it once but gave up frustrated after about 5 min :smiley:

nullV8 supercoaches is not very wide-spread at our home in France but in defect we have diverse event and gathering except the automobile shows Here is a selection of the most beautiful models that I photographed myself difficult to make a choice among all my photos especially for the pleasure of eyes and as Christmas presents for everybody

I wish you to pass of excellent party of the end of year to you all even if my English is not completed

GT = tonymontanadu54

Nice RVM!
I loved your pictures, that AMC Pacer… Fantastic, I always love seeing those that survived! My favorite was this VW

Thanks for sharing that link from Varjo Designs! That is an awesome tutorial for those of us that are not so great with designs!

I want Peugeot in forza motorsport 6!!!