Racing rig

Hi all, at least to those of you that read this.

I’m hoping to get some advice/views about a rig for a steering wheel and as I’ve never owned either I figured you might be able to help me narrow the field. Ideally I’d like one that is of a modular design so it can be added to as I might need. I’ve looked at a few online and the one that seems to stand out is the Raceroom 1000 or 2000 but I caught a reveiw video and although it looks good for the price it also appeared a bit “wobbly” so basically I thought it might be a good idea to invite some expert opinion.

I think the wheel will probably be the thrustmaster TX for the Xbox One but your thoughts on that would also be welcome.

If it helps my budget, although flexible, is about £600.00 for both wheel and rig. Ideally a rig that can accomodate a variety of wheels (I might invest in a wheel for my 360 & PS3 in the future). I’m in the UK-I only mention this for availability/shipping costs.

Well I think thats about all I can think of…thanks for your time and I look forward to any replies.

Hi Floydntull

You can get the wheel from (google it) they have it on offer for £213.65 at the moment with free delivery.

I’m in the UK as well mate. I got my wheel yesterday. I like the wheel. The only other option is waiting a few months for the mad catz one which is MUCH more expensive.

Cheers for this…it’s by far the best deal on the wheel even considering some wheel & rig bundle deals-glad I waited…thanks again.

You can also get the Thrustmaster from Amazon, but it’s a little more pricey there. As for selection of wheels, the Madcatz wheel comes out at the end of Feb and reviews should hopefully start popping up shortly for it. It’s the same price as the Thrustmaster, so it’ll be interesting to see if it’s as good.

For the seat you’re looking for, I glanced at the Raceroom 1000 and 2000, but couldn’t really find anything similar to that where they allow you to customize it how you want it or be able to add on in the future. There is however, the GT Omega racing sim seat and it looks like a good quality piece of hardware. Worth checking out anyway. Plus, here’s a link to the majority of seats/cockpits on the market right now.

Hi Slimy, really helpfull…thank you, I did’nt realise the choice was so extensive. On another humerouse note back in june I bought a new (well new to me) real car and just as I was about to drive off the salesman poked his head through the window and said “drive it like you stole it” " … sound familiar :slight_smile:

If time is on your side I was able to get a TX wheel with a big discount that had been returned. apparently the fella before me couldn’t figure out how to update the wheel via PC and for that I got a 50 buck discount + the game.