[R/M] Reaper Motors monthly rivals tunes *UPDATED* 2/10/2014

hello forza community i have just shared my 1963 VW bug tune for the Giant Killer rivals event currently the legit #1 if you do not count the illegal cars on the lb. the car has some slight understeer due to it being rear engine and having a V8 in it now lol i suggest using TCS along along with patience when dealing with the traffic feel free to post you thoughts on the tune here

look for my GT reaper mech or RM giant killer in the share front to find the tune

i accept all feedback good or bad it helps make better tunes :slight_smile:

a small bump to get a few more people looking in here … im hoping the people who try this tune could share their thought on how it feels to them and what would make it a better tune in general

hello again everyone just finished my drag tune for the VIP rivals drag racing event its an audi s4 2013 tuned with out assists , full gas launch shift right before rev limiter best time so far is 15.167
its up in the share front now under he name VIP Rivals Drag please enjoy and as always feedback is welcome :slight_smile:

(your results may vary )

just uploaded a D400 mazda miata gen 1