[QD] Quantum Designs


Looking forward to seeing what comes out of here.

Ooh, ooh, me, me! Pick me!!! :slight_smile:

I’d love to see QD make a return. QD has some of the best work.

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Hopefull my paycheck is BIG this month, If so I could be moving over to FM5

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Luckily the girlfriend pitched in so I could afford it somewhat. It’ll hold us over until riding season hits and we can get back on our rockets.

Get some more hours or do some odd jobs!

My car has been taking all my money from me… Idk when I’ll have the new game…

Who’s an active Moderator around here?

I have a quick question.

Should I make this (fm4)

Ohh yeahhh

Hell yeah, Bout time you painted something interesting to my simple mind… :wink:

Impossible fella AE86 unpaintable now

I’m taking huge amounts of offense to that comment.

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Well I already knew I couldn’t do it metallic but why else?

Nice, was gunna say, FM5 broke the AE86

AE86 black parts dont cover

I mean I was going to do it on fm4 but just wow that the glitches are worse on fm5

Yeah, they’re pretty bad. Idk if you saw but I want back on qd when it starts on 5za pretty please.

That sounds good to me Impulse, I’d like to have you in a party again man it’s been tooooo long!

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