PTG Stuzib85's paints and stuff

Wow… Cool paints man!

You’ve completely blown my mind being able to do a colab that way! I never would of thought of that…
Gives me the hope that I’ll be able to do similar with my friends, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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Love the kimi 458 a tribute to one of my favorite racers

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Sweet paints! Great work!

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Thanks for the kind words guys!

I will be streaming this week, Wednesday night at 9pm UK Twitch

No idea what I’m painting this week, but I’m sure I’ll find something.

Hope to see u there :grinning:

Awesome work Stuzib! love that resident bash design!

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Awesome work, the car image on the side of the ferrari is incredible .

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Stunning Work!

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That Ferrari is a work of art
Huge shame about true collab’s not being possible :frowning:


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Here is a quick WIP shot of my West Mclaren livery.

Should be shared later today.

Nice - shame that McLaren’s somewhat gone west in recent times :slight_smile:
Hopefully they can rediscover some performance over the winter

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Hi guys,

Im thinking of doing a paint giveaway…

3 winners, 3 paints in 3 different colours.

Once the paints are done, there will be a photo shoot with them, online, in a private race.

I’ve already done 3, and wanna give others a chance to have a one-off PTG Stuzib85 paint of their own.

I’ll give one away on the forums, one on twitter and one on the PTG forums.

Interested? Let me know.

the McLaren is looking good so far mate. And the giveaway sounds interesting, it does take me back the competitions we had back in FM4 ^^

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Seeing as you asked I’d love to see a lime green version :wink:
Great artwork as always!

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Wow…the detail on the Ferrari and the Q60 is just amazing, a lot of time and patience went into this and have not yet seen a design from you I didn’t like, keep up the good work!

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Hey Guys!

So, about my livery giveaway…

Here’s is some photos of the first 3 liveries that I made. Each livery is unique and once a colour has been made, It cannot be chosen again.

This Red one belongs to AKA FFA.

This Orange one belongs to GAMBLERCAKE. (he is also the person who took the amazing photos of it)

And Finally, this Blue one is mine :slight_smile:

To win one of the three more liveries that I will paint, all you have to do is comment in this thread, saying which colour you would like. Easy.

Winner will be announced during my stream, Wednesday night, 9pm UK Twitch

There will be three winners of the prize, but only one can be won here. If you want to enter again, you will have to enter via Twitter.

The winner will also be part of an upcoming private race photoshoot, with the 5 other cars.

Good luck to everyone who enters :smiley:

PTG Stuzib85

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The Orange car is sexy!


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Nice work dude

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I like the orange, it pops in the sun pics

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Last day to enter for your own custom P1.

Post what colour you would like here, and I’ll pick a winner.

You can’t have a colour that has already been done, so no orange, red, or blue.

Good luck

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Hey guys!

I was interviewed by Stuart Cullen, from the Scottish Sun, for a gaming website.

The article is about the Forza Motorsport Halloween Bash livery that I painted :slight_smile:

The article also features Icerabbitdesign’s AMAZING Silent Hill paint, AKA FFA’s Evil Dead, and Bxrdy’s haunted house van.

Give it read, and if u wanna follow Stuart on twitter, he is @FuryAc3

PTG Stuzib85

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