Progress loss

I am not too happy about my progress loss. I was driver level 174/175 (I do not know for sure any more), but I have been set back to level 168/169.
I had a second car manufacture levelled up to level 25 (Chrevrolet) and this has been set back to level 19!

I am not sure if I lost credits as well.


How is that even possible? If the cloud save differs from the local save, give us at least the option to choose what save to load rather than automatically synchronize the data, ruin my progress.

I know how you feel, I lost every car, all affinity reset to zero, Driveatar also reset to zero and all tokens lost. I spent a lot of money on DLC just to lose everything. The annoying thing is that Turn 10 are aware of this and will do nothing about it. Well for me they can stick future games where the sun doesn’t shine.


Same as me I loss every I nearly had every car I need like 15 cars to go now loss all money a cars just prove they dnt car as I had no reply for the last 5 days

An dnt connect xbox coz they it not there fort it turn 10 severs so turn got the problem an there not doing nuthing about as it loss the will not give u level or cars or money bk all the time u loss that y turn 10 can’t do the job an if they dnt connect me or fix this then I hack in to sever an delete the cloud system so everyone losers there car then they will fix they have 7 day to fix it

Same probs here, but this has been going on for couple weeks…Leveled from Blue 49 to pink 10 x2 or 3 times…but never saves…keep reverting back to blue 49… Could use some guidance…Been exiting and saving…