Profile has been banned

My account was locked today again . However, I did not do anything wrong . what can I do?

Didn’t do anything wrong for the second time, which is pretty quick because the game hasn’t been out that long.

First violation of the Xbox Live Code of Conduct was profanity in the form of “Chinese” words made to sound-alike with English. Strike One, and a seven-day, 168-hour ban.

Second violation of the Code of Conduct was coming back after the first ban, and posting a “shocker.” If you don’t know what that is, do a Search on the Internet for it. Strike Two, and a 30-day, 720-hour ban from the time it was placed.

You don’t want to go to the third strike, which is permanent banning. Neither bans nor the enforcement of the regulations by Turn 10 are discussed on these forums. You may write the developers at, if you wish.