Problems with your rewards giveaway

hi to everyone .

Please can someone explain to me why im having na issue wehen trying to enter your giveaway on live rewards and i keep getting in circles since day one ?

i went to xbox support already like 10 times and not a single person knows how to help me , went to the rewards fóruns and not a single awser either the only thing i get is to come here and ask for help or on twitter .

i sent 4 pm no one awsered me here , i sent twitters to forza motorsport 7 twitter til now zero awsers the only person that awsered me was ryan on twitter i explained everything and he said he was very sorry he didnt know what was going on to contact support again wich i did and got same awser "talk with them on their fórum or twitter " .

how the hell is this even fair i have all the things ok i should be able to play and try to win like everyone else but a stupid bug or whatever is that keeps telling me that no amtter the email i use is already used even if i creat a new one , i have more than 600 hours of playing forza games in this generation and the first time i need help no one helps

How about contacting whoever is running the promotion which is usually found on the website doing the promotion
Dont go private messaging me on here when its nothing to do with me
Another promotion i cant even be involved in due to living in Australia
It’s a US only promotion

You really are part of the entitled generation with stupid comments like that…time to grow up little kid

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If im here isnt because i came here in some kind of parachute i was sent to here by Microsoft support and rewards , yes link included.
you instead of calling people kids or saying they are from this generation or that generation should have done your job that is helping or at least saying talk with this or that person.
im from that generation were people could buy a game and not have to pay100 dollors and have problems with it all week but i didnt came here complaining about that.
what pisses me of is that clearly someone doesnt know how to do their jobs , i was sent here and to forza twitter by them saying your was the ones o solve the problema because the giveaway was yours they couldnt solve it then here no one awsered but you and from what i see you tell me to go ask them to solve then they say go back to them and im like this jumping from place to place ithout anyone solving anything.
forzamotorsport twitter didnt even awsered anything the only person doing that was ryan that again sent me back to the support.
so who the hell solves problems and who the hell is right , if theres someone in this getting insulted by actions isnt you for sure and you feel like it go to teh support and ask them why they sent me here and said to sent pm asking for solutions im doing what im told by who is supose to be here to help

Thanks for contacting Xbox Support.
I do understand the gravity of the situation here and I know that you would like further urgency to be taken upon regarding this matter.
I would like to give a heads up that we here at Xbox Chat Support care for you every step of the way, but please know that our resources are limited here by what our systems allow us even me at my position.
This is due to company policies governing not only us but our support as well to the Xbox Gaming Community. We do understand the term legal resident but please know that these promotions are not decided by us nor it is controlled by us.
Thus I hope you understand that the best option to move this forward is not with us but through the game developers as well so that they may explain to you properly the scope and limitations of the said promo.
Please know that it is not our intention to make anyone a fool, we truly care for your concern thus I hope you don’t mind if I’ll direct you to the forums where you may dispute this promo directly to the developers.
You may dispute your concern towards this forums:

i am sick and tired of getting more and more of the same , i explain them you do not have anything to do with this and they end up always sending me here i dont get why

What promotion are you even asking about? The key contest is over long ago if that is what you are on about.

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yes indeed and i am fighting with them since then , if you want i can send you some proofs and things that has been happening by pm

It’s over so I doubt there is any recourse now. Move on. They are not gonna open it just for you. What do you expect them to do at this point? I doubt you will find any answers here. I had a pile of keys and won nothing. Zip.

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what one thing haves to do with another ?

i didn’t came here to ask any sweepstakes or anything like that very far from it