Privite lobby mic problems

I host races and would like the community’s help get this fixed
I am a community manager for The Paddock sim racing league and we usually have darn near a full lobby every race
and we cant us party chat because of the number of drivers.
the issue is that you hear some drivers but not others and as the race goes on you hear less and less of them.
if any one has a fix or has the same problem HELP!!!

This has been an issue in this game since day 1. It’s not limited to just this game either…the voice chat on Xbox One overall doesn’t work very well when you have several people in a room.

We have the same issue at Realistic Racing. We run 20 to 24 car grids using separate parties. We’ve been using mutli-class and qualifying to try to keep guys driving around each other able to hear each other.

You’re right though…it’s a problem.

A huge problem for our club as well. We are lucky to get party chat up and going… lobby chat is totally useless!
Calling passes not happening…
Seems almost anything a club needs has been omitted from game or not working lol!

This is a real problem. We end up running 2 parties but that is not a solution. In a game like FM voice chat is critical, please find a fix. It is hurting the race clubs severely, and that is where your hardcore fan base is. Help!

I am having trouble as well, but kinda different. I live in Canada and I have XBL friends in Canada the states and Europe. this is my problem, I can chat with friends in Europe in party just fine, but can not connect with anyone in the Americas. i mean I have a club member that lives about 2 hours from me and we can not use party. but start a a party with my friends in GB no problem . it is just weird.

I am glad to see that I am not the only one with these kinda problems. the only way I see that this gets fixed it to be as loud as possible to have these servers fix so we the real “racers” in the community can do what we do best and race competitively and hear one another doing so. create a post and have your friends comment and like yours tweet turn10 email what ever and how ever you can get this issue resolved

Bear in mind - to get this fixed, it’s on Microsoft’s end, not Turn 10’s. As I said, this issue shows up in almost any game that allows more than 12 people in a “room” or “game chat” together…it’s not just limited to Forza 6. That indicates it’s not a problem with the game - instead it’s a problem with the chat system on the Xbox One. Ironically, I tried searching this very thing on the Xbox forums, and while there are dozens of threads about party chat issues, very few of them mention “game chat” issues.

This topic came up a few months ago right here on this forum.

I understand that it a server issue with the game engine or coding, im not real sure on how all the works in game development but shouldn’t a problem of this scale be brought up in testing or even before that stage.