Possible Battle Section?

Hey guys, I’ve made a video of a section I created and was just wanting to get peoples’ thoughts on it.

Ok so, in the video it didn’t capture the 50 roll start or end, but as you make the left to get onto the straight where the trash cans are, it’s at the very beginning by a pole. It ends as soon as you get to the trash cans. First clip is the corner of the fence, second clip is the entrance to the garage as you take it left, then third is the exit of the garage to the right, then final clip is the yellow line. I’ll make another video of me driving through it and whatnot.

Airfield Full Drift Section

Please watch it and let me know what you think. Again, not a great looking video, just put together quickly to show the section.

It looks cool, but maybe a little hard to judge I don’t really know as I don’t battle often. Maybe the section in Spitsys video could be used. But both look fun

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I like it, but the first few clipping points are going to be a little hard to judge. Not impossible, just a little difficult. I like the flow of it though.

Thanks for your feedback guys!

I think this is a good idea, if you think of anymore sections you should do the same thing

Will do.