Porsche Admits the Obvious

Yes it is true, even the people who make the monstrosity admits it. The Panamera is a ugly car. Any claims to the contrary are from blind men or fanboys.

I’m not a Porsche fan or fanboy and I’m not a blind man and I think it looks alright, so your comment is invalid. Secondly it doesn’t look THAT bad. Looks great from the front, If it were a 2 door car it would look much better.

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You know what? There is a 2-door Panamera. It’s called the 911.

But it isn’t. Closet thing would be 928?

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It’s an inflammatory comment, said mostly as a joke. I remember the long discussion on the Panamera on the old forums. If I were serious I’d say, blind, fanboy, or crazy to make sure I covered all my bases :slight_smile:

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There’s one thing I have to say: Mercedes-Benz has started one category full of nice cars and… ugly cars. And that category is: the sedans looking like a coupe.

Mercedes-Benz started that category with the CLS. Very gorgeous, “class”. Then Volkswagen came with Passat CC.

Every car compagny has a signature, some fit well on sports, compacts, sedans, 4-door coupes; and Porsche’s signature fits well with sports cars, not 4-door coupes.

It’s not a very beautiful car, disgracious a bit, but not ugly like the Aztek…

Out of all the top 10 ugliest cars I’ve seen and edited, I have never seen nor include the Panamera. It’s not ugly, it’s… inelegant, let’s say it that.

That’s fair.

Fair and round…

IT’s an ugly car driven solely by rich asians…

Panamera > all other Porsche’s.

my opinion, and you don’t have to like it. (I prefer sedans)

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