Since FM4, I’ve made some Trans Am hood birds, but it wasn’t until someone got interested and requested some more intricate work that I really started making some more detailed vinyls for the Trans Am firebirds. My very first hood bird vinyl in FM4 was traced straight on the hood of the in-game '77 Pontiac, but I have cleaned up and improved my birds since then.
For instance, my latest birds now have clear openings in the wing area, so whatever colour you have on your car will show through. I have also added the engine lettering ‘T/A 6.6’ (‘T/A/ 7.0’ for the Year One Bandit car) and ‘Trans Am’ in some various colour combinations.
Because of reaching my limit in the number of vinyls I can save, I don’t take requests, but hopefully some of you will find some colour combos that you enjoy on your favourite Firebird!
In this pic, you can see the layer heavy Year One Bandit hood bird, and next to it, one of the hood birds with transparent wing areas. The ‘T/A’ and ‘Trans Am’ vinyls are individual matching vinyls.
More colour combos.
More colour combos, with the last one on the right the first shown that doesn’t have transparent wing areas.
More colour combos without transparent wing areas, the last one shown more or less similar to the original hood bird that is on the in-game '77 Trans Am. I have a few more hood birds shared, so feel free to go check it out!
My version of the Year One Bandit on the '77 Trans Am:
An example of what you could do with my vinyls
A bad example of what you could do with my vinyls, but this shows the transparent wing areas slightly better than previous photos.
I’ve deleted some of my pointless vinyls to be able to save some more “vital” ones, but I think the limit is 400 vinyls. I’m at about 392 right now, as one jumps 10 vinyls when you click the RB button on the controller. I also think the livery limit is somewhere around 200-250.
There’s no storefront like the one in FM4, but there is a vinyl search area once you are in the ‘design mode’. Do you know how to apply a vinyl onto a car? If so, go and do that, but rather than selecting one of the in-game provided shapes that you look through by clicking the LB and RB buttons on your controller, click the LB to get you as far to the left as possible in the vinyl selection area, and that will take you to the user created vinyl area. The first vinyls you see are some of the most popular vinyls, plus some vinyls made by any potential players that you are following.
At this point, you can search for vinyls. I think it’s the former ‘Back’ button on the controller that you use, but follow the on-screen directions just to be sure. Once into the search options, you can specify keywords and creator, and even maximum layer count, which can be useful if you look for something and you’re running low in remaining layers.
If you are looking for my firebirds, just use the keywords ‘firebird’ and ‘trans am’. I don’t know how many players that have also have created vinyls with the very same keywords, so if there are lots and you only want to browse through mine, you could add my Gamertag as well in the Creator search field. You could also JUST search my Gamertag, but then you’ll get all my NASCAR vinyls in the search results as well, and that’s a LOT to look through.
Either way, thanks for looking, and I hope you find something you like!