Please Help!

Hey everyone, as most of you probably know, Forza 4 dlc is gone. I really would love to have the 13 Ford Focus ST, mainly because I have a Focus ST, and would love to drive it in the game. Is there anyway I can get this? Can someone Gift it to me? I saw 1 in Auction house and wouldn’t let me bid on it. Any help would be awesome!

No way you can get it - if you don’t own the DLC you are not able to use the car.

I was afraid of that. Thank you anyway!

Hello. Sorry to hear you’re one of the “victims” of this.
I don’t know if this will work, I’ll just tell you my experience. I have all the DLCs, but I don’t have unicorn cars. I’ve been able to drive the 430 Scuderia and the '69 Camaro SS through the club garage. Of course you can’t tune or paint a club’s car, except is yours obviously, but is better than nothing.
Like I said, I’m not sure if this works with DLC cars too. Perhaps someone here can help and confirm if it can be done.
Good luck and take care…

Unicorns are part of the original game - DLC will only be usable if you own it.

Thanks for clearing up doubts. It’s a shame that many people will not have the chance to drive those cars.