If anyone at all is able to help, actually take action, rather than offer advice I will be eternally grateful, as will thousands of other C Class gamers. Thank you.
I am requesting this gamer be banned from Multi-Player lobbies permanently - banning a gamer tag is of no use - other tags just appear, see below.
If this is not the appropriate place to post all this info please move it elsewhere, but please investigate and do something to help the C Class community enjoy this game again.
There is a “gamer” who has been committing every crime possible in C Class MP lobbies for months & months if not years, with a bucketful of gamertags. I personally have passed clips & full replays on to different Marshals and via emails on this website. The last 2 collections of posted clips were over 30 clips each time and these were just wrecks & corner cutting from a couple of evenings.
The Gamer will use any little rub to initiate a battle and blame the other for starting it in both messages and private party chat. It is well known he invites racers to Private Party Chat and either draws them into his game of wreckfest banger racing or verbally abuses them till they leave. I know, I have been there. I and many others still get invites to private party chats so that he can hurl more vulgar abuse.
His attitude and tirades include wishing members of a gamers family get cancer and die.
The issue became so much worse when the Club “Good Luck Racing” was created - GLR - and that gamer was refused membership due to his normal wrecking activity. He then proceeded to wreck GLR members consistently. Even now he has an “imitation” GLR gamer tag and harms the club reputation constantly.
Only yesterday, “GLR dingle” posted clips of being wrecked by him deliberately a number of times.
To counter this wrecking activity I created a profile tag of “FrodoThumper” and advised the wrecker I would post clips to T10. It worked for a while, but only a short while.
Please take a look at the dozens of clips on FrodoThumper’s Activity Feed to see some of the atrocious driving and intentional wrecking going on. These have all been passed to Marshals with no resulting action that we can see.
I personally know of gamers being suspended for the odd corner cutting and one gamer banned for years, for retaliation, but yet this gamer still goes on and on wrecking day after day.
He has a whole bunch of profiles on the theme of “ALFRODO”
Currently, this last month, we have seen -
Frodo247 365
There are many others - perhaps some have been suspended - these included :-
(It is hard to remember them all but I am sure T10 can check the connection back to the same Xbox)